Dear Visitors,
Thank you for visiting this blog. We would like to let you know that this blog is aimed to share the information of Puspar Event. Puspar (Center for Tourism Studies) Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia is a center under Center for Research and Community Service UGM focuses on the issues of tourism.
We have successfully conducted the International Seminar “Transfer of Technology in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry” on November 29-30 th 2010. This year, we will conduct the International Conference on Ecotourism title“Ecotourism Destination Management for Small Islands in Adapting Climate Change Challenges”
If you have any concern, please do not hesitate to contact us.


11 responses to “ABOUT AND CONTACT

  1. Dear Haruna Jude, Thank you for your interest to the International Seminar, we will open the registration at the October 1st – November 5th 2010 by uploading the application form in our official website on http://www.puspar.ugm.ac.id
    However, if you need to register before the range of time, we may send you the application form via email. After that, you need to fill it and send back to us immediately. Please let us know your preference.
    Terimakasih, thank you

  2. I wish to know the contents of this seminar.
    I am a Travel Agent from India, Maharashtra, Nasik.
    So please let me know all the details.

    • Dear Varun Ranade, thank you for your inquiry. The Seminar will be held in two days, in the first day is the in-class seminar and we will conduct the Field Trip. The seminar basically will be focused on the technology transfer in tourism and hospitality industry with learning point from developed country and the expert on tourism. It will be grateful if you are able to join the International Seminar and sharing your experience. For the detailed of the program you may check in the website (www.puspar.ugm.ac.id). Sincerely.

  3. Dear Organizer,

    Regarding the conference we would like to join in but cant get to the website.
    We are from Universiti Tun Abdul Razak. Please reserve 2 place for us:-
    1. Salbiah Abd Rahman
    2. Haliza Mohd Said
    your kind response is very much appreciated

  4. Dear Salbiah, thank you for your interest in the program. Sorry for inconvenience about the website.
    We are sending you the registration form together with the leaflet. When you finish with the payment and fill the registration form we will send you the invitation letter to visit Indonesia. Terimakasih.

  5. Yth. Panitia Seminar,
    Mohon nama saya dicatat sebagai peserta, segera akan saya selesaikan persyaratan administrasi keikutsertaannya. Terima kasih.

    Arif Budi Wurianto, Dr.
    Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
    HP. 08179624858

  6. Hello,
    Am glad to read from this conference, my question is : do you sponsor students to attend? i would like to have this opportunity to attend but i cant afford all the costs financially.

    • Hello Gimmy, we do not provide sponsor for student except scholarship of free registration fee. If you are willing to apply for scholarship please see back your email. We send the application form and registration form.
      Thank you

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